Course curriculum

    1. Welcoming Message

    2. Before You Get Started...

    3. Glossary of Terms

    1. Chapter 1 Overview

    2. What & Why Tissue Culture?

    3. Viruses & Viroids

    4. Pests & Disease

    5. Improper Gardening Practices

    6. Tissue Culture Workflow

    7. Totipotency & (De)Differentiation

    8. Chapter 1 Recap

    9. Chapter 1 Quiz

    1. Chapter 2 Overview

    2. Major Equipment

    3. Cleanliness

    4. Autoclaving

    5. Scientific Method of Experiments

    6. Chapter 2 Recap

    7. Chapter 2 Quiz

    8. Lab Equipment Checklist (Download)

    1. Chapter 3 Overview

    2. What is Media?

    3. Eight Part Media Breakdown

    4. Materials Needed: Making Media

    5. How to Mix Media (Demo)

    6. How to Autoclave Media (Demo)

    7. Laminar Flow Hoods

    8. How to Prep flow hood & Pour Media (Demo)

    9. Popular Vessels

    10. We Vitro Boxes

    11. Temporary Immersion Bioreactors (T.I.B.)

    12. Chapter 3 Recap

    13. Chapter 3 Quiz

    14. Shoots n' Roots's Favorite Multiplication Media Protocol (Download)

    1. Chapter 4 Overview

    2. Aseptic Technique

    3. Explant Selection

    4. Explant Preparation

    5. Explant Sterilization

    6. Explant Preparation & Sterilization (Demo)

    7. Apical Dominance

    8. Explant Initiation

    9. Explant Initiation (Demo)

    10. Culture Environment

    11. Care Through Culture

    12. Chapter 4 Recap

    13. Chapter 4 Quiz

    14. Surface Sterilization Protocol (Download)

    1. Chapter 5 Overview

    2. Microscopes

    3. Meristematic Culture

    4. Meristematic Isolation & Initiation (Demo)

    5. Care Through Culture

    6. Chapter 5 Recap

    7. Chapter 5 Quiz

About this course

  • $699.98
  • 69 lessons

Optimize your operations, today

By learning how to tissue culture your favorite plant